Just a few favorites of this little doll face!
More times than not, its always the “girls” to get their photos taken. How can we blame anyone though? Girls are made for these types of things lol! It’s pretty rare that I photography a boy passed the age of 5 or so, so when asked to do a 10 year old photoshoot of this sweet, shy boy, I was excited! He was so easy to work with…Meet Chris. who is now 10 🙂
My little girl just turned 9! She’s becoming such a young, beautiful little lady right before our eyes. We are so Blessed to have her in our lives. She makes things SO much sweeter. We love her so much and are so proud of her! I took her out for a few shots a couple of days before her birthday. The weather was cold, wet and dark , but we still managed to grab a few before the rain!